How Competitive Employers Win Countering the Counter Offer

How Competitive Employers Win Countering the Counter Offer

Thwarting counter offers is all too common these days. After all, there are more jobs available than good people to hire. Nothing is worse than landing the perfect candidate only to have them snatched back away at the last minute. Because no matter how strong your offer is, existing employers will try and beat it.

Make no mistake – today’s economy is geared toward employees. For the first time since the Department of Labor began keeping records, job openings exceed the number of people looking for work. As an employer, that means hiring (and keeping) top talent must be a priority.

Packaging companies and recruiters should expect to have these tough conversations. Because when another company faces losing an all-star, they’ll do everything within their power to keep them. Whether that be more money, responsibility, or freedom.

Unfortunately, what’s offered is rarely in the employees’ best interest – but instead – is designed to save face or avoid having to find a replacement.

A Strong Offense Defends Against Counter Offers

If you truly want to secure top talent, you must develop an “all-in” mindset. One of going above and beyond in what is expected or even imagined. If you’re a hiring company, that means structuring your offers in a way that combats pushback.

Or else you risk a counter offer unraveling all the hard work you’ve done.  

For instance, should a counter offer arise, ask the candidate for specifics regarding their concerns. Don’t just take “there’s nothing you can do about it” for an answer. Dig deep and uncover the true reasons why they would consider staying at a place they were ready to leave yesterday.

No matter how strongly packaging executives feel about an impasse, there’s always a solution to the problem.

Whether it be increased money, benefits, flexibility, or anything in-between. It’s your job to find out what that solution is – and then decide if it’s worth the price. Keep in mind that, as a new employer, it’s not just about matching salaries. Your offer must be competitive on all levels – perks, benefits, and everything in-between.

On the flip side, companies that retain great talent usually have a common methodology – they’re proactive about keeping good people around. Every stakeholder involved works together to send a unified message – contributions are valued and each team member is appreciated.

Everyone from the front desk receptionist all the way up to executive management needs to be onboard. Ensuring that your packaging executives have the resources they need to do their jobs and are recognized early and often for success.  

Studies show that people typically leave their jobs because (a) they feel unappreciated (b) underutilized or (c) have poor relationships with management. If you can negate any of these problems ahead of time, you greatly reduce your risk of dealing with counter offers in the first place.

Transitioning Between Jobs – Where Counter Offers Are Born

Many packaging companies assume that after a candidate says yes, the recruiting race is over. Yet, nothing could be further from the truth. The real work starts the day they accept your offer.

For this is the most dangerous time of the entire hiring process.

The gap between resignation and starting the new job is when doubt creeps in. Candidates wonder, “Am I making the right choice? Should I stay where I’m at and try and work it out? Perhaps, think it over a little longer – just to be sure.”

As the hiring company, understand that existing employers will stop at nothing to change a candidate’s mind. Telling them they’re making a “big mistake”, that the new company is “all wrong” for them, or “why give up on all the hard work and time you have invested here”.

This period is also nerve-wracking for recruiters as there are so many unknown forces working behind the scenes. The rule here is to over-communicate and constantly reassure the candidate of their decision.  

Once a new hire accepts your offer, find out the date they plan to resign. Then talk to them that day (and every few days after) to reinforce their decision. Don’t let them get too far inside their own heads or allow their coworkers to talk them out of a great opportunity.

Take it a step further and encourage higher-ups to connect with your new packaging executive. Make team members feel welcome and wanted. A strong sense of enthusiasm from a new employer goes a long way towards fending off possible counter offers.  

Beyond The Hire – Continuing The Momentum

Employers often forget that once the new hire starts there’s still work to be done. Selling your packaging company goes from recruitment to resignation through start date and beyond. After all, why go through the trouble of sourcing top talent if you can’t keep them around?

Retention efforts are important and a proven strategy to thwart counter offers.

Once the candidate says yes, invest in your new hire immediately. Preferably, before they even start.

Remain in contact throughout the duration – letting candidates know that you understand what they’re going through and that you’re available to help. Allow them to voice their concerns and express their anxiety. Share your experiences with similar events.

Most of all, keep selling them on the fact that they’ve made the right choice.

Don’t forget that little things make a difference too. Order business cards and have them waiting when they arrive. Get insurance set up for them and their families. Assist with travel arrangements and book training classes so they can hit the ground running.

Whatever you can do to keep new hires committed/engaged reduces their risk of backing out.

Once again, this is a team effort. It can’t just be about the recruiter and hiring manager – every stakeholder in the hiring process should be involved.

Like it or not – it’s a new world when it comes to recruiting great talent. If you want to cross the finish line, your entire organization must present a united front.


Although the thought of a counter offer makes some employers cringe, these scenarios can prove useful. For a healthy back and forth exchange indicates that a new hire (or current employee) is likely a good one. The type of packaging executive with the skills and experience necessary to make an impact.

In such instances, don’t be afraid to stick your neck out for the right talent. Because if you don’t someone else will.

Just be sure to take care of them afterward. Give them everything they deserve and all they need to accomplish their mission. Otherwise, you may soon find yourself starting back at square one.

And no one likes being there.

What strategies does your organization use to manage counter offers?

Leave a comment below and let us know!

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Job Searcher Should Read these 4 Classic Books

Job Searcher Should Read these 4 Classic Books

When it comes to packaging job search and career books, there’s no shortage of titles to choose from. Each one offering a unique perspective on employment and career development. And while you can learn a thing or two from each volume, there are a few books that are consistently heralded as being the best of the best.

“What Color is Your Parachute?” – Richard N. Bolles

This classic job seeker book is the definitive guide to finding the career that suits you best. Not just with your abilities, but your goals and personality as well. Initially printed in 1970 (and revised every year since), over 10 million copies have been sold.

The first half of the book is a compendium of strategies for your job search. Applying, interviewing, follow-ups, and negotiations. It’s all here. But the second half of the book is where the magic happens.

Part two is chocked full of practical exercises to guide you in your career selection. Like Bolles’ famous “Flower Exercise” which covers the seven key areas (or petals) of your work life.

1. Goal, Purpose, or Mission – uncovering what you want to contribute to the world and how you’ll go about it
2. Location Preference – where you’d choose to work if given the opportunity
3. Expected Salary Range and Benefits – desired pay, perks, and extras
4. Preferred Working Conditions – the type of environment where you excel
5. Best Transferable Skills – what you can AND like to do at work
6. Areas of Interest – topics and assignments that get you excited
7. Types of People – that you connect with and share common interests

Well-written, easy to read, and chock-full of actionable advice. It’s easy to see why “What Color is Your Parachute?” has been around for decades.  

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People – Stephen Covey

A book you’ve likely heard of (even if you haven’t read it). More than just time management, Covey’s masterpiece explains how mindset is the critical element to both your job search and your life. He covers topics such as:

Beginning with the end in mind – productivity is meaningless if you’re not working towards something. Covey explains that you must get clear about your long-term goals first and then filter all of your decisions through them.

Learning how to say no – using tools like the Eisenhower matrix to determine what’s important vs what’s not. Then creating a “burning yes” to counteract saying no to all things trivial.

Listening (and understanding) before speaking – not thinking about what you can say next to be clever or witty, but truly focusing on the other person and their message.  Which helps you build empathy, appreciation, and clarity regarding their needs.

All of which are fundamental skills for building a strong packaging career.

How to Win Friends & Influence People – Dale Carnegie

Often referenced as the source for understanding people and human behavior, this gem has been in print for over 80 years. It’s a masterpiece containing timeless nuggets on communication, leadership, and negotiation skills.  
Most of which revolve around a singular grounding principle: You can only change another person’s behavior by first modifying your own.

Packed with simple, yet actionable advice, this guidebook is as relevant now as the day it was published. Mr. Carnegie goes into detail about how to be more likable, earn favor with others, and do so without the use of manipulation or deceit.

A few key takeaways include:

Becoming more interesting by speaking less – Carnegie explains that you need not dominate conversations to be memorable. In fact, it’s just the opposite. The more you listen – and let others do the talking – the better people will respond.

When you do speak, ask relevant follow-up questions to extend the conversation. This makes the other person feel good and help to remember your interaction.

Gain support by asking questions the right way – that is, in a manner others can easily say yes to. Allowing them to conclude that your original idea was their own.

Thus, making your suggestion that much easier to sell.

Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In – Roger Fisher, William L. Ury, and Bruce Patton

One of the building blocks of a career in packaging is negotiating job offers. Not to mention that strong bargaining skills help you in other areas of life. “Getting to Yes” is relevant anytime you find yourself at odds with others and need to work out an amicable solution.

In this book, Fisher, Ury, and Patton break down four distinct principles of negotiation:

1. Separating people from the problem – untangling emotions and egos from the issue. Seeing the other party’s point of view, clarifying perceptions, and ensuring open communication from everyone.
2. Focusing on interests, not problems – getting to the root of what each side truly wants and why. Which isn’t necessarily the same as the argument that’s brought to the table. The only way both sides can win is to be open about their interests and explain why they’re important.
3. Generating opinions for mutual gain – simply put, rather than a winner take all mentality, good negotiations are about working together. Finding a solution that both parties can agree on and walk away feeling victorious about.
4. Insisting on objective data – designing solutions based on criteria both parties can agree on (aka fair and reasonable standards).
Additionally, “Getting to Yes” covers instances when others refuse to play fair or opt to strongarm the negotiations. The advice? Recognize and deflect the attack and then calmly shift focus back on the problem itself.

Wisdom that will serve you in packaging management, your personal life, and beyond.


Let’s face it – when it comes to career advice, no one has all the answers. But what job seekers do have is a wealth of information to draw upon from these timeless career books.

Each offers a unique perspective on finding the right job, negotiating, staying productive, and effectively communicating. All of which are essential for a growing a strong packaging career.

These classics have stood the test of time for a reason – because they simply work.

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Dos And Don’ts of Social Media for Professionals and Job Seekers

Social Media for Professionals and Job Seekers

Professional Social Media Etiquette

While embarrassing photos and the occasional rant happen to us all, putting them front and center on social media isn’t always the best idea. Not knowing how potential employers will react can spell trouble for job seekers.

After all, studies show that 70% of employers review applicants social profiles during the hiring process. Sending the wrong message can mean getting passed over (even for otherwise highly-qualified applicants).  

Your best bet? Keep it clean.

It’s fine if you showcase your personality and have some fun but stay away from divisive or offensive content that may rub others the wrong way. Politics and religion are classic examples, but they’re far from the only ones.

Gossiping, badmouthing former employers, talking about drug use or criminal activity – it seems like a “no-brainer” but these topics surface more often than you think.

If you can’t keep it clean, consider making your social profiles “private.” Employers and recruiters can still find you during searches but must request permission to view your account. Thus, putting you in control of who has access and what remains visible to the outside world.  

Besides what you post, consider the image you’re trying to convey.

Keep your “branding” consistent by using the same image, language, and messaging on all of your accounts. This proves to employers you are who you say you are and helps to put hiring concerns at ease.

Another great idea is to create a website and bring all your information together in one place. Thus allowing you to control the narrative and help guide the conversation.

Include links to your social profiles to make the vetting process easier (and minimize the risk of mistaken identity).

That and use your real name on social media. CakeSmasher21 sounds cute but makes it hard for others to take you seriously.

The Best Social Media for Professionals

While the term “social media” encompasses nearly every platform in existence, there is only a handful that job seekers need to focus on – LinkedIn being the biggest.

LinkedIn is considered the gold standard for jobs and career development. It’s the only platform dedicated to networking and bringing candidates and employers together.

With roughly 10 million jobs and 500 million users located around the world, why wouldn’t you want to be part of the conversation?

Although having a LinkedIn profile is a given, many job seekers fail to utilize the full potential of the platform. Here are a few quick tips to help you stand out.

  • ‍Keep Your Account Up to Date – which includes filling out a complete profile and staying active on the site. Contributing articles is the best strategy, but if you can’t, at least share and comment on other people’s posts.

    The idea is to show employers your communication skills and personality.

  • ‍Include Keywords – in both your headline and summary area. Keywords are what recruiters and employers use to search for potential candidates. Not including them in your profile is silly if you want to be found.  

    Also, make sure your headline is interesting and relevant to the jobs you’re looking for. Consider including a nice profile photo as well – one without your spouse, kids, or family pets (save those for Facebook). Think “professional” for these are often the first – and only – elements others see in search results.

  • Get Recommendations – which are LinkedIn’s version of testimonials. Adding social proof to your profile is an easy way to earn trust and build rapport with potential connections.

    A quick tip here is to write the testimonial yourself and let others edit or revise as they see fit. Doing so makes it easy for the other party to say yes and fulfill your request.

Finally, write your profile in the first (not third) person. Users often try to make themselves sound more impressive this way, but it typically just comes off as contrived or awkward.

Write the way you speak to humanize your story.  

Other Social Media Outlets for Job Seekers

Although LinkedIn gets top billing in this category, other social media outlets hold value for job seekers as well. Namely, Facebook and Twitter.  

Both have distinctly different flavors but are similar in how they encourage direct interaction. These two social outlets are a great way to share your personality by talking about hobbies and interests. Because most employers prefer well-rounded talent vs an army of boring robots.

A proven strategy for success is to follow companies (and key employees) that you’re interested in working with. Doing so gives you access to decision makers within these organizations you might never meet otherwise.

You also learn news and gain insight into company cultures that outsiders may not be aware of. Such information can be invaluable in deciding where you want to work and provides a nice advantage when it comes time to interview.

And just like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter can be used for job searches too. Just remember to include the right hashtags in your searches to generate relevant results (i.e. #jobs Denver marketing).

Finally, no matter which social platform(s) you choose, be sure to let others in your network know that you’re looking. You never know who a friend of a friend might be.

Besides, landing jobs through referrals is way easier than trying to accomplish the same feat on your own.


While some may shy away from social media – or dismiss such platforms as being irrelevant – they are an undeniable part of the job search equation. More than ever, employers are researching candidates long before conducting interviews or extending offers.

If they don’t like what they find, they’ll look elsewhere

That’s why it’s critical that the messages and “branding” of your social profiles reflect the image you want to portray. Candidates should also be active on social channels always looking for opportunities to connect and provide value to others.

In the end, social media skills are a lot like interviewing. Figure out how to stand out from the crowd – without putting your foot in your mouth during the process.  

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How to Build a Career in the Packaging Industry

How to Build a Career in the Packaging Industry

Have you ever thought about a career in the packaging industry? If not, you may want to reconsider. Everyone knows that technology, healthcare, manufacturing, etc. are all booming these days. But what most fail to realize is that the biggest names in every sector still utilize the packaging industry to fulfill their brands.

Think about it. Any physical product that’s designed, built, made or harvested must be transported elsewhere to be of value to the market. And jobs in the packaging industry are what make this transition a safe, secure and reliable process.

Why Choose a Career In The Packaging Industry?

Packaging can be an exciting and lucrative career with virtually unlimited growth potential. Research shows that packaging is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. Some estimates point to total sales reaching $975 Billion in 2018 with no slowdowns expected anytime soon.

Booming industries like food and beverage, consumer goods, automotive and construction are seeing phenomenal growth and know that packaging is a major component of their success.

In fact, according to recent data, 3.4 trillion items were packed in 2016 alone. Not to mention that these numbers have steadily increased year-over-year for nearly the last decade.

Because of this huge demand, packaging industry jobs are available at every skill level (from production to management) for those who are ready to apply.

If that doesn’t get you fired up, here are a few more benefits to consider.

Packaging Is a Stable Industry

Despite the ups and downs of world economies, packaging is an industry that stays in demand.

No matter what happens, people always need food, healthcare, transportation and consumer goods (amongst other things) in order to survive. That means jobs in the packaging industry are all but guaranteed to remain stable.  

And we’re not just talking about the basics either. As consumer class income continues to grow, buyer appetites for goods, services, and conveniences typically follow suit.  

Electronics, sports and entertainment, home furnishings, etc. – the list goes on and on.

With all needing innovative, well-designed packaging to facilitate their growth.

There’s A Strong Need for Creative Talent

Most successful businesses agree that packaging can serve as an ambassador for your brand.

Being fun, creative, or different is what allows the best companies to stand out from the competition. Not to mention that (all things being equal) consumer choice often boils down to which product has the stronger visual or emotional appeal.

However, it’s about more than just colors and images – physical design plays a vital role as well. Unique configurations often appeal to consumers sense of style and taste. Thus, driving the demand for smart, strong, yet aesthetically-pleasing packaging options.

Better-designed packaging benefits manufacturers also. As lighter products mean less raw materials used and reduced fuel costs to deliver goods.

Packaging Jobs Are in Demand

As the economy grows, so does the need for packaging professionals. Take, for example, the recent surge in online shopping. The National Retail Federation predicted an 8-12% growth rate in 2017 (3x the total retail average). Factor in the need to reliably transport all these items and it’s clear that this trend will continue to rise.

The food industry is another incredibly hot market. Organic items, portable snacks and prepared meals are seeing tremendous growth across the board. Industry estimates for flexible packaging are above 50% of total volume for this particular market sector.

Strong consumer demand for longer shelf life, non-toxic materials, and environmentally-friendly designs are the driving factors behind these changes.

Types of Jobs In The Packaging Industry

Packaging may have originated on the assembly line, but has come a long way since then. Nowadays, the need for a multitude of talented individuals (from every discipline) is stronger than ever.

Production – still the heart of the industry. While most production jobs are entry level, they’re often a gateway into many other high-level industry careers.

Typical roles in this area include line workers, operators, and mechanics. Their main responsibilities involve packing, sorting and shipping but they also find new and more efficient ways of doing business while ensuring everything runs smoothly.

Production roles are a natural fit for those who crave structure, like problem-solving and enjoy working with their hands.

Engineering – a critical discipline in the packaging industry. These are the experts who create the actual packing materials themselves using advanced chemical, mechanical and engineering knowledge. The job also involves selecting raw materials with a focus on optimal strength, durability, shelf life and cost efficiency.

A great field for those who excel in math and science and enjoy working with technology.

Sales and Marketing – help spread the word about packaging products. Salespeople market to clients using their business acumen and people skills. Often working with copywriters, brand experts, and engineers to create packaging that makes an impression and generates results.  

Designers are called upon to make items feel beautiful and unique. These marketing specialists study color, design, shape, and texture to create demand and entice consumers.

Consumer Strategists study public behavior to uncover the latest trends in sales and buying habits. Recognizing how subtle changes in design and positioning can affect overall revenues.

Support Services – are needed in every industry with packaging being no exception. Information Technology, Human Resources, Safety, Legal – you name it and it’s there. Large packaging brands have tremendous support budgets, and with the forecasted growth in this sector, they’re only going to get bigger.

Management and Leadership – opportunities for packaging executives are on the rise and those with the right skills and experience can fetch top dollar. With such a high demand existing worldwide, opportunities are available most anywhere you want to go.

Not surprisingly, strategic leaders with the right skills and experience can fetch top dollar.

Directors, VPs, and C-Level talent are needed in multiple areas of packaging including: Operations, Sales and Marketing, Research and Development and many others.  

Best of all, with such a high-demand existing worldwide, executive opportunities in packaging are available most anywhere you want to go.


Bottom line – packaging is an exceptional industry to be in. A business sector filled with great people who enjoy strong job security, have an abundance of opportunities, and work on interesting projects that make a difference in the marketplace.

Many packaging industry jobs offer generous compensation packages, excellent fringe benefits, and quality work-life balances. Perks sometimes found lacking in other large industries.

You may not have previously considered a career in the packaging industry – but with so much to offer – it deserves a spot on your shortlist.  

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How a Strong Corporate Culture Defines your Brand

Strong Corporate Culture Defines your Brand

Defining Corporate Culture

You hear the term thrown around a lot these days, but what is corporate culture anyway? Why does it matter to an organization and what are the key benefits of having one in place? Most importantly, if it truly is important, how do you go about developing one that makes an impact and is sustainable over the long term?

All great questions for sure, but let’s take it from the beginning.

Loosely defined, corporate culture is the shared attributes of an organization and the members that comprise it. These qualities can be beliefs, attitudes, and values that guide the organization throughout their daily activities.

Corporate culture is not a single process or element, but rather the cumulative effect of all parts of how a company does business.

This includes everything from goals and strategies to the structure of the organization itself. Most importantly, corporate culture defines how the business approaches its relationships with all involved stakeholders: customers, investors, employees and the community.

Is Corporate Culture Really That Important?

Yes – it is. Research has shown that a healthy corporate culture can significantly impact the productivity of an organization (and their employees).

In strong corporate cultures, employees are more apt to feel like they’re part of a team and gain a sense of satisfaction in helping others succeed. And as is human nature, people work harder, accomplish more, and give their best when they know it matters.

This notion holds especially true when it comes to millennials in the workplace – who value culture over just about anything else.

A study from Columbia University found that turnover rates for organizations with strong company culture were around 14%. Whereas companies who lacked these cohesive structures saw churn figures as high as 48.4%.

Employees who lack company culture frequently see themselves as individuals – focusing more on their own needs vs those of the organization. Often doing just enough to “get by” and never truly engaging or working to their full potential.

A compelling reason on its own to investigate further.

Building A Strong Corporate Culture

While there are many benefits to having one, there are no set in stone rules for developing company culture. However, there are a few guiding principles that many successful organizations have in common.

Honesty and Transparency – From the bottom level of the organization all the way to the top – everyone should be held to the same standard of open dialogue. Whether it be corporate strategy sessions, giving (or receiving) feedback or even water cooler banter.

An environment of honesty fosters trust and encourages member participation.

Cooperation – It goes without saying, but employees who feel their contributions are valued are much more likely to share their ideas. Not only does this benefit the individual, but improves the team as well.

Because different perspectives are often the driving force of creative problem-solving.  

Growth and Development – From both a personal and professional level. Employees not only want to know that they can advance within the organization but develop new talents and skill sets along the way.

Mentorship programs, educational opportunities, and new challenges bring out the best in employees. Along with suitable financial compensation in line with any increased responsibility.

Embracing Diversity – While there’s a lot of talk about finding the right “fit” in an organization, searching for a prototypical candidate can be a mistake. Remember, you’re not looking for an army of robots, but instead, a diverse group of people who share the same ideas, goals, and values.

And the best ideas come from teams comprised of individuals with different backgrounds, talents, and experiences.

Using Corporate Culture To Improve Recruiting

It’s no secret that great candidates are in the driver’s seat these days. Internet searches allow them to quickly uncover information about any company that they’re interested in. They can read reviews, follow on social media, and compare and contrast organizations without breaking a sweat.

Thus, monitoring and improving your web presence is paramount, but most job and career pages aren’t utilized correctly. They fail to actively market their corporate culture to the people who may be interested in it most.

Considering the internet is usually the first place job seekers encounter your brand, that’s a huge mistake.

Companies who actively market their company culture typically find better candidates and they attract employees whose values closely align with their own (while simultaneously repelling those that don’t).

So, the question is, how do you go about spreading the right kind of message? Here are a few suggestions:

  1. Social Media – Popular platforms like FacebookTwitter and Instagram are a great way to showcase your company culture. Sharing photos, achievements, and talking about your values provide insight into what it’s like to work for your organization.

    Don’t forget about LinkedIn either. Though not traditionally associated with being a social media outlet, it’s often the platform of choice for white-collar professionals looking to build relationships and grow their career.

    The ability to network with both current and past employees, and showcase your organization to future talent, can be a powerful force in the recruiting process.

  2. Employer Review Sites – GlassdoorGreat Place to Work, and Indeed are all frequent stops for candidates researching prospective employers. With reviews being such an important part of the decision-making process, you can’t afford to overlook what’s being said on these platforms.

  3. Employee-Focused Career Pages – Where candidates can see vibrant details about your company culture on full display. Consider including candid photos and testimonials from employees and management. Be transparent in describing the organization’s mission and values and call out the type of people you’re looking for.

    The more accurately you can portray your workplace, the easier it will be to find candidates who are a good match.

While all the strategies and advice mentioned above makes a huge difference, never lose sight of the basics. That is, don’t overlook the value of simply being a good employer.

Because when you treat your employees well, they enjoy their jobs, work hard, and tell their friends and family about their experiences. Which naturally leads to referrals and even more qualified candidates being driven to your organization.    


Now more than ever corporate culture is becoming a cornerstone of building a strong brand and recruiting top talent. Clearly defining organizational goals and values and depicting how they’re embraced daily is pivotal for long-term success.

Top-down management approaches that focus on honesty, cooperation, accountability, and growth keep employees engaged and motivated. When coupled with a diverse workforce of talented individuals, become an unstoppable force of new ideas and enhanced productivity.

Lastly, celebrating your team and their accomplishments with the world generates the biggest return of all – a process that repeats itself over and over again.

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